A Deacons Tale.
Whilst at a recent Installation meeting, I completed my pre flight checks which include turning mobile phone to silent mode, as you do, and sat back to enjoy the ceremony. Half way through, the aforementioned item began playing a piano lullaby which is, it seems, a reminder alert. Totally embarrassed, I eased my the right side of my derriere over the pocket concerned to contain the tune, a not inconsiderable feat for a slim wisp like me, and after a short delay the music stopped.
Rather relieved, I retrieved the item and pressed the “Power Off” button, returned the item to the pocket and relaxed for the remainder of the meeting, only to find the tune repeated five minutes later. More squirming and embarrassment followed along with a higher degree of buttock squeezing. This time, I had to remove the battery from the item to silence it completely!
The moral of the story brethren is “Do not rely on silent or even power off mode"
"Leave it in the car!!!!!!!!"
Confession courtesy of Howard Emmett GJD